令和4年度 茨城県立中央青年の家主催事業
The Ibaraki Central Youth Center is holding its second English Speech Camp on March 29th thru March 31st.
The focus of this camp is to help students improve their public speaking and perfect the art of presentations. This Camp will be in All English and is aimed at students who have a high level of English Speaking and Listening ability. At the very least, they should be able to read and understand this flier.
対 象:中・高校生以上
定 員:30名
【件名】English Speech Camp
① Student Name: (English and Japanese)
② Address with postal code:
③ Phone Number:
④ School and Grade:
⑤ Gender:
⑥ Allergies:
For registration, please email us at
Thank you and we are looking forward to hearing from you.